PACKET RADIO: KAM Problems on Some Models
(This text from the W8IZ packet radio bulletin
board. It's formatted to fit a 80 character screen.)
SB GTOR @ ALLUS < WA3PNT $750_KC4ZGP EPROM UPDATE R:941231/1728z 14003@NO8M.#NEOH.OH.USA.NA $:750_KC4ZGP ... R:941227/0946 750@KC4ZGP.KN4FE.#MAN.GA.USA.NA
Received the replacement EPROM from Kantronics today.
Haven't installed it yet, but in their letter Kantronics included the serial numbers of the affected units. Extract is as follows:
"KAM Plus units with serial numbers 11K20-06732 and higher and Enhancement Boards with serial numbers 21K08-04021 and higher have the latest firmware release."
If you have a KAM Plus with Version 7.1 FIRMWARE, and the serial number is lower than those above, you should contact Kantronics for a replacement EPROM.
73s & Happy Holidays George Strickroth WA3PNT @ WB6CYT.#SOCA.CA.USA.NA
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