Wolf's Motorhome Modifications
... and Other Stuff
A Portable Laptop Table
This a review of a relatively cheap portable table. It is designed to allow the legs to slide under the couch or other chair to allow one to work in a better, or at least different location. The table is not rock steady. It won't support the weight of some lard ass who needs it to hoist himself out of a chair. It won't even support more than a few pounds. But that's what is it is for. Used to support a laptop and used at a couch, easy chair or rocking chair, the table does its job admirably. If you need to hold onto this table when hoisting your butt, this isn't for you. But for typing outside in a rocking chair or inside at the RV couch, this thing works great. This came too late for our camping weekend but I'm here in the driveway, writing this on the table. Recommended! Cost as of April, 2007 was $20 plus shipping plus tax from Wal-Mart via the Internet.