Wolf's Motorhome Modifications
... and Other Stuff
I really enjoy listening to the local public service channels. In fact, we have come to relate certain people to certain areas.
For example, one day when listening to the Algonquin Provincial Park frequency, Cory called Kirk. "Kirk!", Cory called. "Whad'ya want Cory?" came the reply. "Kirk, I have a number of people skinny dipping over here", Cory said. "What'cha gonna do, Cory?" "Well, Kirk, I don't think they should be skinny dippin', eh?" "No, I don't think so, Cory", came the reply. "Why don't you tell them to leave, eh?". "They said they'd put their clothes on, Kirk." So ended what might have been Algonquin's first ever skinny dipping incident. If that would have happened where I live, you would have had 20 police cars from 5 suburbs racing to the scene. Kirk and Cory are our all time favorite Algonquin rangers. On one of our trips we're going to get their pictures as Kirk and Cory represent Algonquin and how things are done. Sure wish Quebec would secede and we could invite Ontario to become a state!
Anyway, other areas we often visit become identifiable by their public service transmissions. A scanner is an absolute must. I mounted my scanner in the center of the motorhome. In that way I can hear it no matter what I'm doing.
It's connected to the 12 volt bus through a light near by. Be sure to check the voltage of your 12 volt buss when plugged into AC power. Some motorhomes run that buss up to 16 or 18 volts. That can be very dangerous to electronic equipment. I tapped into an existing antenna line for another AM/FM radio in the motorhome. That allows the scanner a very wide range.
A handheld scanner accompanies us to the fire. I wouldn't be without it.