Sturbridge Village, MA Erie, PA Boston, MA
Click any of the images for a higher resolution picture (about 1 meg each) A neat trip exploring the northeast but that Boston -- what a very unfriendly place! Arrived in Herkimer at 6:30 PM. Just a little time to play on the playground and take a walk. Had dinner and bed. A long, long drive. Up at 7:30 AM. We will be leaving about 9:30 AM. Left Herkimer early and went to the Yogi Bear campground in Sturbridge. The kids had a ball on the hayride with Yogi and Boo-boo, playing, and walking. 10/12/1986 I really have not been writing all I should about our trip. Today we went to Old Sturbridge Village. Mary liked it as did the kids (surprisingly). Afterward we drove to the Circle Campground in Foxborough outside of Boston. We were lucky enough to get a full-hookup campsite-the first of the trip. We had forgotten about the holiday weekend and found ourselves in some VERY crowded campgrounds. That and the fact that many have or are shutting down even makes the Circle Campground crowded after the holidays. A very nice park but the moral is to get reservations for all trips! Many full timers are wintering over here (???). Why don't they go south? I guess they like to be around those who talk like they do! We are all booked for a bus tour of Boston tomorrow. Hope it goes OK with the kids--8 AM to 4 PM. Both--well all four of us have colds. We have called ahead to Glouchester to insure we have a three-point hook-up. 10/13/1986 The tour went really well. Mary really seemed to enjoy it. The kids seemed to appreciate the sights, too. I was surprised! They were really great! DO NOT DRIVE IN BOSTON! DO NOT DO IT. This city is a bunch of goofy fools. Rush hour is every day, all day with streets that make NO sense at all! We saw the Old North Church, USS Constitution, a 65 story building (Boston seems to think that is high). We drove through Harvard, by Longfellow's house, by the Boston Tea Party, and Boston in general. Glad we took the tour ($27 x 2 + $10 for 2 kids). We would have turned around in traffic. 10/15/1986 What a pain in the ass. MA is the most rude, unfriendly, miserable, stinking state in the union. Especially the Boston area. We made two passes through Salem without finding anything we were looking for. We got disgusted and left. We are not in South Deerfield at a park trying to figure out what to do. First priority -- get out of MA. Actually State Route Two, the King's Highway, is very pretty once 100 miles out of Boston. People were nice and considerate. But Boston, whew, what a cesspool. 10/17/1986 Erie, PA was nice--muddy and wet--but nice. We camped and then went to the Perry Victory monument at the Prescott State Park. Nice (but wet and muddy) place. Home about 3:30 PM. Megan says our trip home was a little bumpy. The Interstate was nice but when we came home Sassy was surprised that she wasn't camping. Her Popple slept, too. |