and Cedar Point Camper's Village
Click any of the images for a higher resolution picture (about 1 meg each) What a great time for the kids! It took us about 1 1/2 hours to get to Cedar Point. We left about five and were set up about 7. The sites are VERY small, but what the heck! We're there for Cedar Point! We took a walk to the store, beach, and ticket office. They will not pre-sell one-day tickets. The campground and hotel has its own ticket gate. We went to bed early -- about 10 PM. Up at 7:30 AM and got the kids up at 8. Got to the ticket booth at 9. We only needed one Junior admission for Meg as I bought extra tickets from some kid in the park--saved $4.00. The kids had a ball to say the least! Lots of fun! We took Meg and Matt on two adult rides--the Whitewater landing and a round-and-round type. They are not ready for either. At Kid Arthur's Court they got stuck halfway up the rope walkway. Sue and Jenny came out. We had lunch at noon, dinner and naps at 6. Closed the park at 10. The kids still really enjoy Kiddieland rides although Megan can make the 46 inch limit for some adult rides. They just aren't ready for the thrill, I guess. Hope that will change as Mom wants to go on the adult rides with someone. I have to watch the kids. since hurting my back at Geauga Lake, I haven't had much of a stomach for that stuff! With Sue she was able to go on an avalanche ride and the white water again. The avalanche had been broken down with a car stuck at the top at about noon. It broke again VERY soon after they got it off. Again-with a car at the top! Kids went to bed about 11 PM. We went at 12:30 AM. We stopped at the Backpacker Shop on the way home and I bought two types of moneybelt and a new wallet. Just the thing for amusement parks! The only way to go to Cedar Point. Easy there, rest, into the park but with breaks, rest, easy home! A great, fun time. Next time two days!