Log of our Fourth Trip 1992

Dayton Hamvention

and the Tall Timbers KOA Campground

Brookville, Ohio

April 21-26, 1992
Mileage Start 57,976 Home 58,352


Dad - 21 years old

Megan - 8

Matt - 7

Click any of the images for a higher resolution picture (about 1 meg each)

April 21

There is fantastic biking, great walking, and a great day.  We took a bike ride into Brookville, Ohio.  A very nice trip .. little traffic.  It would have been nice to spend more time there but ...

April 22

We spent the whole day at the U.S. Air Force Museum.  A great time that the kids seem to appreciate more.

April 23

16 fish .... Matt 2, Meg 8, Dad 6.  Matt made a friend.

April 24

As always, the Dayton Hamvention was a treat.  A great time.  I won a Yaesu FT-26 hand held!  We stayed all the way to the drawing.  Super.  Great.  Perfect.  (But wet and muddy.)  E-45 or 46 are great sites!

For up-to-date park maps and information, check the Dayton Tall TImbers website

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