Log of our thirteenth trip of 1993

Charles Mills MCWD


Punderson State Park

Newbury, Ohio

October 3-10, 1993
Mileage Start 66,174  --  Home 66,404




Dad alone at Charles Mills
Mom, Dad, Megan, Matt, Kelley, Fezziwig at Punderson


Click any of the images for a higher resolution picture (about 1 meg each)


Five days at Charles Mills to attend a school to learn how to fix the new police Datamaster breath test machine (drunk tester).  Played and experimented (a lot) with Pactor.

A five day school in Mansfield allowed for a long period of experimentation on Pactor.  It was a beautiful, sunny week.  We went to Punderson for the Apple Butter Festival for fritters and apple butter.  It rained and was cold but we had a nice time.

For up-to-date park maps and information, check the Ohio State Park website for Punderson State Park and the MCWD website.

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