Log of our first trip of 1996

Punderson State Park

Newbury, Ohio
January 11-15, 1996


Mileage Start 75,842 --  Home 75,939


Attended:  Dad, Mom, Meg, Matt, Fezzi, Kelley

Click any of the images for a higher resolution picture (about 1 meg each)


A nice winter trip.  On arrival our favorite site was not available.  Although some sites were plowed, I went and found a fellow who was plowing.  I asked he plow 51 but he SURE DID NOT WANT TO!!!  I offered him lunch money but he wouldn't take it.  Eventually, he did plow my site.  Mike, et al, ended up right next to me.  They had a dogsled team demo that drew a lot of people.  We saw one team attack a fellows dog who was walking in the campground.  Saw another sled go wizzing by with no driver.  We ate at Dutch Family.

Here's an interesting twist.  45-50 degrees!  Two fisher people fell through the ice.  I guess we aren't going ice fishing.  Although it got cold again during Monday, the ice that was left wasn't so good.  The sled hill was treacherous to say the least.  We took a great night walk around Stump Lake ... really pretty!

For up-to-date park maps and information, check the Ohio State Park website

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