Log of our forth trip of 2001

Buck Creek State Park

and the 2001 Dayton Hamvention

Springfield, Ohio

May 15 to 20, 2001
Mileage Start 23,093  --  Home 23,463
Attended:  Dad and S5˘fritz -- with Megan visiting Friday to Saturday

Click any of the images for a higher resolution picture (about 1 meg each)


Buck Creek is a very nice getaway although quite a ways from our home.  The park is aptly named.  There are many deer.


May 15, Tuesday

Because Mom's car had a busted heater core and she needed the Saturn, we pulled the Jeep to Dayton.  How fortunate we did!  The ride down was busy.  It was 50 degrees in Cleveland and 80 degrees in Springfield!  Took a Jeep ride and bought some t-shirts for Mom and I from the Buck Creek camp store.  They have a picture of a Jeep.  had a very nice thunderstorm that was fun to watch.  Kinda hoping it doesn't rain all the time, though.  I have the top off the Jeep.

May 16, Wednesday

It stormed the kind of storm that is really fun to watch.  It stormed all night.  We walked about five miles to the marina and back.  We took many Jeep rides.

May 17, Thursday

Slept with the window open.  A very enjoyable night.  Got up and did a 2.2 mile walk (twice around camp).  Went to get the Hamvention tickets.  Took a five mile walk and now am watching another line of thunderstorms coming in.

May 18, Friday

It rained all day.  Rain, rain, rain, and rain some more.  I was able to get water at one point and walk Fritz around the block at another.  It was awful.  Rain, rain, rain.  Meggie came and we went to dinner at a Chinese Buff-ette.  It was OK.

May 19, Saturday

Hamfest!  We drove the Jeep and parked across from Hara.  It was a mud pit.  All kinds of people were getting stuck.  The Jeep just didn't care at all.  Walked a long way.

May 20, Sunday

Home!  Bye Meggie!


For up-to-date park maps and information, check the Ohio State Park website for Buck Creek State Park

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