Click any of the images for a higher resolution picture A nice trip up in sunny spring weather. The temperatures are in the low sixties but the sun is blazing. We took a ride around the area and then went to Cedar Point to get our season passes. On the way back we stopped at Toft's Dairy for some ice cream. So good! It is on S.R. 6 not too far west of Sandusky, just a mile or so out of town. We took a medium walk and
enjoyed a nice fire. The night temperature was a bit above 40 but as soon as the sun came out it started warming up. By mid-morning we were walking in temperatures above 60. We had a nice long walk around the park and scoped out what sites would be best. I spent many hours studying and we followed that with a long walk at the beach. We had a very nice fire. We watched the International Space Station pass that was quite bright and right on time. The weather was clear and temperature went up to about 65 degrees. This is a video of Moosie kicking sand in Fritz's face April 22, 2007 We woke, made a nice breakfast and took a walk. It was another sunny, now warm day. The whole weekend was wonderful. For up-to-date park maps and information, check the Ohio State Park website |