Log of my first trip of 2010

West Branch State Park

Ravenna, Ohio

August 24-28, 2010

Start 35,115   --   At 35,168

Home 35,223  --  Miles:  108

Attended:  Dad, Gracie Allen and Moosie


Click any of the images for a higher resolution picture

Full hookup doesn't include decent water pressure at West Branch.  Be sure to bring auxiliary water so you can boost their trickle up to a useable volume.


The first trip.  How sad is that?  I spent eight months more excited about the law firm of Patituce & Wolf, LLC than I did about camping.  That took precedent.  But now that has failed and I'm on to other things.  I'm camping again.

The motorhome behaved very nicely on the way out.  Sometimes that's an issue when it isn't out for a time.  And it was sitting for quite some time!

August 24, 2010

Some friends came over and we took a walk, cooked hot dogs, took another walk, cooked marshmallows and had wonderful company.

August 25, 2010

The dogs and I took a drive over to the horse day parking and walked the horse camp road.  Turned out to be a 4.9 mile walk!  It was a great walk with cool, breezy temperatures.  Later we took a two miler for a total of 6.9 miles.  Add to that a couple of smaller potty and throw-out-the-garbage walks.

Here's Grace and Moose on the horse camp road.  It was a great place to walk, especially since the rain had made parts of the forest muddy.
Click for a larger image

This is a beehive about ten feet off the ground.  It is an active hive and you can see the bees.  Click on it for the full picture.
Click for a larger image


I was trying to get the butterfly.  I didn't even see the bee.




The horse camp is a throwback.  I believe it is supported not by the park, but by the people who own horses.

More throwback


Another road pic.  On the bigger version (click on the picture) you can see Moosie waaaaaaaay up ahead.  Dopey Moose.

August 26, 2010

We went out and took another set of shots of the beehive.  Fun but not really exciting.

Click for the full size image

The paths in the woods were dry and we had a nice walk.


Where's Freddie??

A friend told me to watch out for Freddie while I was walking.  This is the closest thing I could come to showing something that might be scarey

Hot dog roasting on an open fire!!!

Marshmallows, too!

Properly done, too:

A great trip with good weather and better company!

For up-to-date park maps and information, check the

Ohio State Park website

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