The Outer Banks Still a friggin Pandemic Trip October 10, 2021 to October 18, 2021
Start 49,642 -- End 51,335 miles -- 1693 miles Click any of the images for a higher resolution picture This is the HOA annual meeting trip. The trip down was rainy up until the overnight at Lowgap. The trip through North Carolina was through heavy, pouring rain. The trip on the Outer Banks was a deluge of rain! No street flooding but darn there was a lot of rain. There is a near-tropical system just off the coast pouring rain in off the ocean. Heavy, unrelenting rain. Put my swimsuit on to bring the stuff into the condo. The system petered out, but not after an initial report that it could develop into a hurricane(!). Rain all of Sunday and most of Monday. Dogs are getting restless. The highlight of the trip was finding the end of the rainbow. I found the end of the rainbow. No, really, I did. I took a picture. It ends in an old, ratty BBQ grill on Dory Lane in Avon, North Carolina, on the Outer Banks. Another childhood fairy tale debunked. As totally false as the tooth fairy and Santa. There isn’t a pot of gold. Not even a leprechaun. As long as we're on it, this puddle was reflecting a specific color in a specific direction. Cool! Saw some Mocking Jays doing a little dance. How cool!
Our walks were limited. Dufus Number One and Dufus Number Two both started chasing a ground hog into the woodpile at home. Both learned they could throw themselves into the air and leap onto the wood pile. Both hurt their leg. Both are here now nursing injured legs. We were able to check out the house fire that happened last month at the dead end of Dory Lane into Starboard Drive. There is all kinds of crabbing about there not being enough help. Hatteras Realty runs a bus and brings people in. We saw a full size heron just like those in Ohio. Cappy was around to say hello. Still hanging out on the northeast shore of the pond behind Hatteras Realty. A frog said hello. The pier at night. Another great trip. Here's our walks:
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