Log of our eighth
trip of 2021
State Park
Wellington, Ohio
Still a friggin Pandemic Trip
December 15-17, 2021
Our Mini Winnie Shakedown!!!
Attended: Dad, Toodledip Wooozle and Odo
-- End 8553
-- 66 miles
any of the images
for a higher resolution picture
Rainy, cold, wet, breezy ... just an awful day to go
camping! But we went and on arrival the rain stopped, the
sun came out and the temps went to sixty! WOW!!!
We did a bunch of walking and a lot of head scratching.
Where should all this stuff go???
Our shakedown!

The waterfowl have no idea. Nor do the hunters.

Dam it!

On spillway patrol!

Back from the walk.

My last motorhome did not have an oven. A motorhome needs
an oven.

Shagbark hickory. What a great example!

It is December 15, 2021 and ferns are popping up out of the
leaves. Nice warm weather!

Public art is most often the result of a politician's relative
taking home $60,000.00 in cash and kicking back a duffle bag
with half that back to the politician. But here, I love
this art. A fellow created a carving of the Dr. Seuss

good, the bad and I'm not including the ugly.

I saw one deer. We walked toward it. There were
eight. You'd have to click on the image to get the high
resolution version to see the others. Wish I had camera

I NEED TO EXPERIMENT! I have read the "how to" on taking
pictures of the moon. I need to get out one night and
actually set it up on my camera.

Again, I wish I had camera eyes. This is with the same
light ... that is, pitch black except for the moon's light.

Another great trip.
Here's our walks:
Day |
Where |
Total |
December 14 |
All over |
4.59 |
Thursday, December 15 |
All over |
5.5 |
December 16 |
All over |
4.0 |