Log of our seventh trip of 2022

Maumee Bay State Park

Oregon, Ohio

July 20-22, 2022

Attended: Dad, Toodledip Wooozle, Odo, Nadette, Chico, Cookie

Start 14,050 -- End 14,252 -- 202 miles

Click any of the images for a higher resolution picture

 Mid summer isn't my time for trips, but what the heck!  Although hot with temperatures up around eighty-five, we still took walks, read, worked and had fun.

It's 2.5 miles around the campground:

It's 2.5 around the hard path:



Here is a link to the video which may be faster.


Here's our walks:

Day Miles walked Total/day
7/20 3.5 home 3.5
  2.4 hard surface 5.9
7/21 3.2 campground 3.2
  2.6 campground 5.8
7/22 3.0 - hard / road 3.0

Another great trip.


For up-to-date park maps and information, check the

Ohio State Park website


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