Log of our second trip of 2024


Avon, NC

April 19-May 5, 2024

Attended: Dad, Toodledip Wooozle, Odo
Our last trip as OBX property owners

Start 28,456

End 30,196

1740 Miles

Click any of the images for a higher resolution picture


Every once in a while I'll be walking and an accidental loon will call.  BAM!   I'm back in Algonquin.  But not this time.  The loon above was on the lake behind the post office.  Prior to my seeing her, she called loud and long.  So cool.


The above is the Food Kitty's 2024 version of its generator.  I want one.

The beach got beat up from a number of storms.


They are building new houses, quite a few.


The Avon VFD were practicing in the parking lot next door.


The dogs spotted a coyote cutting through.  She wanted nothing to do with the yappy puppies.


Somebody's selling their condo!


While the rest area by Greensboro leaves a longer drive home, it is a great rest area.

For up-to-date park maps and information, check the

Ohio State Park website


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