Log of our seventh trip of 2024

East Harbor State Park

Lakeside Marblehead, OH

and Catawba Island State Park

First trip towing the Maverick

October 22-25, 2024

Attended: Dad, Toodledip Wooozle, Odo

Start 34,926     End 35057     131 Miles

Maverick Start: 346  End:  372  Use:  26  Tow total:  131

Click any of the images for a higher resolution picture

The purpose of this trip was the first campout while towing the new Ford Maverick truck.  While the truck isn't the super light Saturn or the tiny little Mini Cooper, the trip to the park went off without a problem.

First some statistics:  The motorhome-truck combination is forty-four  feet long.  The towing mileage does NOT register on the Maverick.

We took our first car trip to Catawba Island State Park and found what could only be described as a goofy joke.  The entire state park consists of a boat ramp.  That ramp is hemmed in by VERY TIGHTLY packed, expensive looking condos and homes.  It is not in any way a park.  It is a state-operated boat ramp.  Not that this is bad, but if someone was looking for a walk in the woods, well ....

Lots of wildlife.  While coming back into the park, we came upon a deer that watched the goofy out-of-control dogs having a fit.  There are hundreds and hundreds of squirrels.  I don't understand the lack of raptors given the number of dinners available.

I brought two large containers of wood.  One container is enough for two nights.


I often see holes dug by raccoons, possums or skunks going after grubs.  More and more, I am seeing large areas torn up.  It looks like miniature hog damage.  Odd.



Someone stole a bunch of water out of Middle Harbor!



Walking the beach:


Let's talk eagles!!!!!

On October 23 I saw six different eagles.  Close up.

On October 24 I was walking just past sunrise on a trail adjoining Middle Harbor when an eagle flew into two buzzard's domain.  The buzzards had a fit.  There was a tree right next to the path.  The birds fought in that tree, directly above me.  These birds were fighting about fifty feet straight above me!  WOW!  Here's one of the angry buzzards.

For up-to-date park maps and information, check the

Ohio State Park website


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